Dry eye is the term often metaphorically used by writers to define the emotions of a person. Though this analogy is best suited in an imaginary world, dry eyes in real life may cause discomfort and sudden decrease in one’s ability to see. In medical terms, this condition of eyes is stated as dry eye syndrome. Best eye specialists in Gurgaon define dry eye syndrome as a condition in which your eyes don’t produce enough tears or you aren’t able to maintain a normal layer of tears to coat your eyes. As a result, your eyes are not able to eliminate dust and other irritants. This causes stinging, redness, pain and burning in your eyes. Furthermore, if your eyes have dry eye syndrome, your eyes may also be prone to bacterial infections or the surface of your eyes may become inflamed, causing scarring on your cornea. It may be noted that dry eye syndrome never causes permanent vision loss but it is very uncomfortable and must be treated immediately by the best eye doctor.
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja, who is regarded as the best eye specialist in Gurgaon, describes very simply that tears have three layers, the oily outer layer, the watery middle layer, and the inner mucus layer. When the glands that produce the various elements of your tears are inflamed or don’t produce enough water, oil, or mucus, it can lead to dry eye syndrome. The people of age group 50 and more are at high risk of having dry eye syndrome. Here are the few causes of dry eye syndrome:-
1. Exposure to the wind or dry air. This includes the constant exposure to a heater during the winter.
2. Some medications, including antihistamines, nasal decongestants, birth control pills, and antidepressants can cause dry eye syndrome.
3. LASIK eye surgeries can also lead to dry eye syndrome.
4. Aging is also a cause of this disease. The people of age group 50 and more are at high risk.
5. Vitamin A deficiency, which is unlikely if you get sufficient nutrition.
6. Allergies like chronic allergies are also the cause of dry eye syndrome.
7. Long-term contact lens wear.
8. Hormone replacement therapies.
9. Staring at a computer and mobile screens for long hours are one of the major causes of this disease.
10. Blinking less and exposure keratitis, which occurs from sleeping with your eyes partially open.
With the knowledge about the symptoms of this disease you can surely prevent things from getting bad to worst. Some of the most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome are given below:-
1. Eyes getting tired faster than they used to get before.
2. Uncomfortable in staring at computer and mobile screens for longer periods.
3. Redness in the eyes.
4. Pain.
5. Watery tearing or string mucus in the eyes.
6. Difficulty in reading.
7. Burning sensation in the eyes.
8. Eyes getting tired faster than they used to get before.
9. The feeling of having sand in eyes.
10.Blurry vision.
If you resonate with any of the symptoms mentioned-above and if you think there is even an iota of chance that you are having dry eye syndrome then without wasting any time consult an eye specialist before it gets too late to mend.
If you are looking for the best eye clinic in Gurgaon, visit Viaan Eye & Retina centre. After examining your condition and listening to your symptoms, they will make you undergo tests that check the amount of tears in your eyes. These tests include slit lamp, or biomicroscope, exam of your tears. The doctor will use dye such as fluorescein to make the tear film on your eyes more visible to conduct this test. Another test called Schirmer’s test is used to measure how quickly your eyes produce tears.
This tests your rate of tear production using paper wick placed on the edge of your eyelid. In this way, the dry eye syndrome is diagnosed. Once it is diagnosed, the doctor will provide you the treatment which will help you to get rid of dry eye syndrome. Here at Viaan Eye & Retina centre you will surely get the best specialist treatment for your problem.