
October 2023

myhts debunked about pediatric ophtahlmology

Pediatric Ophthalmology Myths Debunked: Here’s What You Shouldn’t Worry About!

Every parent wants the best for their child, and their eye health is no exception! However, in the age of information overload, it can be challenging for you to separate fact from fiction. From the classic advice about not sitting too close to the TV to the modern concerns about the impact of excessive screen […]

Pediatric Ophthalmology Myths Debunked: Here’s What You Shouldn’t Worry About! Read More »

complete guide on children glaucoma

Glaucoma In Children: Symptoms, Causes, And Cure

In the world of pediatric health, certain conditions often slip beneath the radar which are overshadowed by more common childhood ailments. One such hidden adversary is Glaucoma – a term that is most associated with older adults!  Glaucoma is a progressive eye condition that is characterized by increased pressure within the eye. This pressure damages

Glaucoma In Children: Symptoms, Causes, And Cure Read More »