What is Amblyopia? Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

The term lazy when linked with your lifestyle becomes the biggest hurdle in your road to success and when it is linked with your eyes it becomes the cause of an eye disease called “Lazy eye.” The medical term for lazy eye is “amblyopia.” Amblyopia occurs when your brain favors one eye, often due to poor vision in your other eye.


Eventually, your brain might ignore signals from your weak or lazy eye. The condition can result in vision impairment and loss of depth perception. According to the best eye specialists of Gurgaon, this condition usually affects only one eye, but in certain circumstances, the vision in both the eyes can be affected.


This condition mostly occurs in children and also serves as the major cause of decreased vision among children. In amblyopia affected eye doesn’t necessarily look different, although it may wander in different directions. That is where the term “lazy” comes from. Amblyopia can lead to vision impairment or blindness if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to get it treated as earliest as possible.




According to Dr. Neeraj Sanduja, who is the best retina specialist in Gurgaon, amblyopia is related to developmental problems in your brain. What happens here is that the nerve pathway in your brain that processes sight doesn’t function properly. This dysfunction mainly occurs when your eyes don’t receive equal amounts of use. Therefore, the eye that you use less becomes weaker (lazy) over time. The causes that lead to this condition are given below:


  • Glaucoma is one of the causes of amblyopia. It is high pressure in your eye that can lead to vision problems and blindness
  • Drooping of one of your eyelids can also lead to amblyopia
  • Strabismus, which is turning or crossing one eye, can lead to amblyopia if your crossed eye gets much less use than your uncrossed one.
  • Eye surgery
  • Vitamin A deficiency can also cause amblyopia
  • Different levels of vision in each of your eyes
  • Damage to one of your eyes from trauma
  • Corneal ulcer or scar is also a cause of amblyopia
  • Vision impairment, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism.
  • Genetics, or a family history of amblyopia is also the cause of amblyopia



Knowing about the symptoms of any disease helps you to detect it earlier and get the necessary treatment as soon as possible. Amblyopia may be hard to detect until it becomes severe. But still, there are some warning signs that may be signaling towards amblyopia. These are:-


  • Having a double vision
  • Having an eye that wanders inward or outward
  • A tendency to bump into objects on one side
  • Having a poor depth perception
  • Eyes that appear not to work together
  • Squinting



Amblyopia usually occurs in children and that too in one eye only. When it occurs, parents and children don’t notice the condition initially. Thus, it is important to get routine eye exams of a child even if you don’t find any symptoms of eye problems. The American Optometric Association recommends that children have eye exams when they are 6 months old and 3 years old. After that, children should receive routine exams every 2 years, or more frequently, from ages 6 to 18.


If you are looking for the best eye clinic in Gurgaon to get an eye exam to check for the signs of amblyopia or other eye problems visit Viaan Eye & Retina centre. Here the doctor will typically perform a standard eye exam to assess vision in both of your eyes. This involves a series of tests, such as identifying letters or shapes on a chart, following a light with each eye and then both of your eyes and having a doctor look at your eyes with a magnifying device. The doctor will also check your vision clarity, eye muscle strength, and eyes focus. He/she will look for a wandering eye or differences in vision between your eyes. Thus, an eye examination is all that is required for diagnosing amblyopia.




Amblyopia is treatable and chances of getting rid of it are more if caught and treated early. But if laziness is shown in treating lazy eye then it could lead to temporary or permanent vision loss. Therefore, if you find any symptoms of amblyopia consult an eye specialist immediately.

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