Photo Gallery

Amazing and heart touching to receive a note from parents of a Japanese premature baby whom I operated for Retinopathy of Prematurity when she was only one month old. Now the little one is one and half year old seeing cartoons and beautiful colours of life. So happy for the kid and parents who trusted me

Patient's Thanks to Dr. Neeraj
Our fully functional state of the art Modular operation theatre at Viaan Eye & Retina Centre. Pleasing experience for us and our patients
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja as invited faculty in Annual conference of All India Ophthalmological Society 2019 at Indore.
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja as invited faculty in Annual Conference DOSCON. Delivering talks on vitreoretinal topics, convening and moderating sessions with interactive audience
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja as invited faculty in annual conference of Vitreo Retina Society of India
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja attending EURETINA meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark
viaan doctors at euretina meet copenhagen 1
viaan doctors at euretina meet copenhagen 2
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja delivering a talk in Gurugram Ophthalmolgical Society meeting
dr neeraj sanduja at opthalmological society meeting 1
dr neeraj sanduja at opthalmological society meeting 2
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja delivering a talk in IIRSI annual meeting as Invited Guest faculty
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja delivering a talk in Indian Academy of Pediatrican meeting as invited Guest faculty
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja delivering a talk in Jhalandar Ophthalmolgical Society meeting
dr neeraj sanduja speech at jhalandar opthalmological soceity meeting 1
dr neeraj sanduja speech at jhalandar opthalmological soceity meeting 2
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja delivering a talk in North Zone Ophthalmolgical Society meeting
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja delivering a talk in Winter Delhi Ophthalmolgical Society meeting
dr neeraj sanduja speech at jhalandar opthalmological soceity meeting 7
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja Receiving Healthcare Excellence Awards in Ophthalmology from Times of India at Taj Hotel, Delhi
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja Receiving Prestigious Healthcare Excellence award from Worldwide Achievers
Newspaper Articles
Viaan Eye Center conduscting Free Eye Check Camp
Viaan Eye Center conduxting Free Eye Check Up Camp for Kids in Association with Rotary club
viaan eye checkup camp for kids with rotary club 1
viaan eye checkup camp for kids with rotary club 2
Viaan Eye Center conduxting Free Eye Check Up Camp in Association with Rotary club at Kanhai Village
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja as invited faculty in annual conference of All India Ophthalmological Society in 2016
dr neeraj sanduja at annual conference of all india opthalmological society in 2016
viaan doctors at annual conference of all india opthalmological society in 2016
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja as invited faculty in annual conference of All India Ophthalmological Society in Agra
dr neeraj sanduja at annual conference of all india opthalmological society in agra
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja as invited faculty in annual conference of North Zone of Ophthalmological Society in 2015
dr neeraj sanduja at annual conference of north india opthalmological society in 2015
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja as invited faculty in Tashkent
dr neeraj sanduja invited at tashkent
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja attending Euretina meeting in Hamburg, Germany
dr neeraj sanduja attending euretina meeting in hamburg 1
dr neeraj sanduja attending euretina meeting in hamburg 2
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja attending Euretina meeting in NICE, France
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja attending leadership development program in IIT, Calcutta
dr. Neeraj Sanduja attending leadership development program in IIT, Calcutta
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja attending leadership development program in Welingkar Institute, Mumbai
dr. Neeraj Sanduja attending leadership development program in in Welingkar Institute, Mumbai 1
dr. Neeraj Sanduja attending leadership development program in in Welingkar Institute, Mumbai 2
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja performing ROP Laser
Dr. Neeraj Sanduja receiving healthcare excellence award from Worldwide Achievers in 2016
dr neeraj sanduja awarded by worldwide acheivers
dr neeraj sanduja healthcare excellence award from worldwide achievers in 2016
Premature Babies Treated by Dr. Neeraj Sanduja
Viaan Eye Center Conducting Free Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Viaan Eye Center Conducting Free Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in 2015
Viaan Eye Center Conducting Free Eye Check up Camp at Honda
Viaan Eye Center Conducting Free Eye Checkup Camp for Kids
Clinic Gallery