complete guide on children glaucoma

Glaucoma In Children: Symptoms, Causes, And Cure

In the world of pediatric health, certain conditions often slip beneath the radar which are overshadowed by more common childhood ailments. One such hidden adversary is Glaucoma – a term that is most associated with older adults! 

Glaucoma is a progressive eye condition that is characterized by increased pressure within the eye. This pressure damages the optic nerve and causes gradual vision loss. The bitter truth is that Glaucoma isn’t confined to the silver-haired generation alone; it can also affect a child! This means that Behind those innocent gazes may lie a condition that, if left undetected and untreated, can lead to irreversible vision loss.

Therefore, Viaan Retina And Eye Centre’s child eye specialist in Gurgaon brings this eye-opening blog to help you uncover the startling reality of Glaucoma in children. Afterall, it is time to shed light on this vital topic because every child deserves to see the world clearly. So, join us as we unravel the mysteries of this often misunderstood condition, exploring its causes, symptoms, and most importantly, how parents and caregivers can work together to protect the precious gift of sight in our youngest generation.

What Is Childhood Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye condition where the pressure inside the eyes, called Intraocular Pressure (IOP), gradually rises because the fluid, which is known as the Aqueous Humor, doesn’t drain properly. This increased pressure can harm the optic nerve, which is a bundle of over a million nerve fibers connecting the eye to the brain, leading to loss of vision. 

There are different types of glaucoma depending on when it starts. 

  • Infantile or Congenital Glaucoma: Glaucoma that begins before a child is 3 years old is called Infantile or Congenital Glaucoma.
  • Juvenile Glaucoma: Glaucoma that occurs after 3 years of age is known as Juvenile Glaucoma.

Now, if you are wondering ‘why Glaucoma occurs in children?’, the best child eye specialist in Gurgaon has got you covered. Continue reading to know the cause!

What Causes Glaucoma In Children?

Childhood Glaucoma can have various causes. It might run in the family (hereditary) or might happen due to other eye problems, such as:

  • DNA mutations in a child
  • Medical conditions, diseases, or eye injuries
  • Eye or other surgeries
  • Certain medications, such as steroids

When Glaucoma doesn’t have an obvious cause, it is called Primary Glaucoma. But, if it is connected to another eye issue, injury, or disease, it is called Secondary Glaucoma. Understanding these causes helps the child eye specialist in Gurgaon to pinpoint the best way to manage and treat this condition in its early stages.

What Are The Symptoms Of Childhood Glaucoma?

Childhood Glaucoma is uncommon, making its symptoms less apparent as compared to adults. However, its typical signs include –

  • Excessive tearing
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye pain (in severe cases of high eye pressure)
  • Squinting or closing one or both eyes in bright light
  • A cloudy and enlarged cornea
  • One eye appears larger than the other
  • Loss of vision

Your child may also appear fussy or have a reduced appetite. Thus, recognizing these subtle signs and seeking prompt medical attention from the best child eye specialist in Gurgaon is vital. It will help in diagnosing and managing the disease effectively.

How Can Childhood Glaucoma Be Treated?

When it comes to treating Glaucoma in children, the approach adopted by the child eye specialist in Gurgaon depends upon various factors, such as –

  1. Your Child’s Health: The doctor will consider your child’s age, overall health, and medical history.
  1.  Severity Of Glaucoma: They will also assess how advanced the Glaucoma is.
  1. Tolerance To Treatment: Next, the child eye specialist in Gurgaon will take into account how well your child can handle medications, procedures, or therapies.
  1. Long-Term Outlook: They will also discuss what to expect in the future regarding the disease.
  1. Your Input: As parents, your thoughts and preferences also matter in deciding the best treatment. So, the doctor will also take them into account.

The treatment for Childhood Glaucoma should start as early as possible, and it involves the following –

  • Medications: Some medicines reduce the amount of fluid the eye produces or help it drain better, which lowers eye pressure.
  • Conventional Surgery: This type of surgery aims to create a new path for fluid to exit the eye.
  • Microsurgery or Laser Surgery: These surgeries use tiny tools or laser beams to create an opening for fluid to leave the eye. There are different surgical options, like –  
  • Trabeculotomy and Goniotomy: These procedures open up the drainage area in the eye, allowing fluid to drain more easily and lowering pressure.
  • Trabeculectomy: This is a surgical procedure in which a part of the drainage system is removed, which permits the fluid to drain. 
  • Iridotomy: In this procedure, a small hole is made in the colored part of the eye (iris) to improve fluid flow. Sometimes, a laser is also used for this (Laser Iridotomy). 
  • Cyclophotocoagulation: This procedure employs a laser to reduce the production of fluid in the eye by freezing certain areas of the ciliary body. It is used typically for severe cases.

Both medications and surgery have proven effective in treating Childhood Glaucoma. However, the choice of treatment depends on your child’s individual circumstances and what the child eye specialist in Gurgaon believes will work best for them. Therefore, to take charge of this condition early, book an appointment with the best child eye specialist in Gurgaon at Viaan Retina & Eye Centre. We will help your child gain clarity with convenience and ease!

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