5 Eye Care Tips During Monsoon

Each year, we desperately wait for the lovely monsoon showers, but we also witness several eye problems which can ruin the entire experience for us. Common conditions such as red eyes, itchiness, and swollen eyes are very prominent at this point of time of the year.


Both adults and children should take all the necessary precautions to keep their eyes safe from monsoon ailments. To know what measures you can take for that consult the best eye doctor in Gurgaon.

Viaan Eye and Retina Centre share some useful tips to help you get through this season and enjoy it too.


  • Practice Good Eye Hygiene

During the monsoon season, the most important thing is to keep your mind free. You must wash your eyes with cold water at regular intervals in order to keep the infection away. Even if you drench yourself, ensure that you clean your face, hands and give special attention to the eye area in order to get rid of any kind of residual from the downpour.


  • Avoid Contact Lenses and Switch to eyeglasses

Although the latest ways to wear your contact lenses might entice you to skip your glasses behind, however, in case something gets into your eyes amid the monsoon season and winds, there is no way to escape from severe eye irritations or infections. It is advisable to take the safer route and resort to your eyeglasses.


  • Blink Often

Eye dryness is a common thing that occurs during the monsoon. Blinking often will help keep the eyes feeling fresh, hydrated, and clean. You can also follow the 20-20 rule to relax your eyes if you are usually occupied gazing at digital screens and displays.


  • Avoid eye make-up

Eyes are quick to catch the infection from the make-up product. Any second, particles if they come in contact with dust or allergens can trigger allergies. So, skip your makeup routine for a few days and give your beauty boxes a break.


  • Fight infections

In the case of style, it is always good to use a hot compress to release pus and decrease swelling. For pink eye, skip sharing any clothing which comes in contact with your eyes, for instance, tissues and towels. Also, avoid touching the infected area. Wear sunglasses while stepping outdoors.


Viaan Eye and Retina Centre is the leading Eye Clinic in Gurgaon that offers eye care services ranging from consulting to Laser eye surgery. Dr. Neeraj Sanduja is amongst the best retina specialists in Gurgaon across the country and is sought for eye surgeries from across the globe. In the meantime, if you experience any of the above-mentioned problems, you can schedule an appointment with us.

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